Et un coup de pied dans la fourmilière !

On 9 January 2012 22:02, Emilio Grazzi <> wrote:
> Hi you all,
> i'm a (typo)graphic designer from Italy and i'm about to finish my
> dissertation about typography inside musical notation.
> I would like to apply my result inside lilypond like it was for the gonville
> font ( ).
> The problem is that i'm not skilled in python, i use to create and modify
> each glyph with tools such fontlab, it drops out .otf fonts...
> But I see there's some .svg and .woff files inside the font folder (through
> contents/Resources/share/lilypond/current/fonts/).
> Do I need my font even in those file format in order to run it with
> lilypond? what can I use to have all those output from my otf file?

I am not a developer, just a simple user.

But I must say I am a bit disappointed no developer (except Janek)
replied to your e-mail.

Some of these developers are known to grump at the lack of investment
(mainly from users) to help improving LilyPond.  And when a typographic
designer come with a music font and ask for help in order to run it
with LilyPond, these same developers simply ignore it!

Emilio, I guess you can ask for advise directly at Simon Tatham (the
author of Gonville), I cc him in this reply.

I would be pleased to hear about how you manage with this.


Xavier Scheuer <>

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