The patches listed below have had no updates since before December, and
in a couple of cases, the last update was me asking if the patch was
still being developed. Would the owners please review their patches,
and mark them abandoned if applicable, closing any Rietveld item as
necessary, or update the tracker item with a brief note about current
status. I propose to mark any remaining items from this list as
abandoned on Tuesday, January 24.
*ID* *Type* *Priority* *Owner* *Summary* *Modified*
1742 Enhancement
janek.lilypond print transposed guitar chords on piano sheets
1833 Enhancement
n.puttock Deprecate \fermataMarkup for full-bar rests.
1786 Enhancement
bordage.bertrand New engraver for braces 2011-09-12
1784 Enhancement Medium mtsolo Adds epsilon to Bezier range
calculations 2011-09-14
1128 Defect Medium
Text pedal mark not closed at music end 2011-09-14
1780 Enhancement
ianhulin44 Scheme format functions with no destination parameter
cause deprecation warnings in Guile V2 2011-09-25
1727 Enhancement Medium mtsolo Adds glissando stems to lilypond
1956 Enhancement
mtsolo Patch: Creates a LeftBarStub that stops lyrics from bumping
into the SystemStartBar. 2011-10-12
1850 Enhancement
reinhold.kainhofer FiguredBass: Rewrite of the engraver to fix
vertical position 2011-10-14
155 Ugly
joeneeman \parenthesize does not take accidentals into account
1922 Enhancement
mtsolo Adds StemTremolo to the note column's element list.
I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both
You need to be able to throw something back.
-Maya Angelou, poet (1928- )
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