On Sat, Jan 28, 2012 at 9:14 AM, Graham Percival
<gra...@percival-music.ca> wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 28, 2012 at 09:07:12AM -0500, Julien Rioux wrote:
>> Thanks. Are there known issues about running multiple lilypond-book
>> instances in parallel when they touch the same files? I'm guessing
>> this is what's going on because a lot of the test files input the same
>> snippets as example, which would have identical generated filenames.
> I can't think of any such issues off the top of my head, but I
> wouldn't be surprised if there were unknown issues about this.
> oh wait, I *do* remember something arises from the translations:
> the documentation has multiple copies of the same .ly file in
> various translations.  The whole reason we have a out/lybook-db/
> is to try to notice idential filenames and avoid rewriting them.
> A few years ago (sorry... between 2 and 5 years is as much as I
> can narrow it down from memory, and a few quick searches of -devel
> didn't pinpoint anything) that was a serious problem with doc
> compiles.
> actually, a quick look at the history for make/lydocs-make
> suggests
> 3a9c1df02fdb6846418c5794a7b04d07209e95b3
> and I definitely remember that John Mandereau was working on this
> stuff.  It would fit the time span.
> - Graham

I'll have to test again with -j3, sorry. I suggest we erase the last
two commits from staging until this is resolved. The convert-ly commit
should be pretty safe. Is there a git doctor in the room?


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