Graham Percival <> writes:

> On Sun, Jan 29, 2012 at 03:34:45PM +0100, David Kastrup wrote:
>> Patchy has been running for about 6 hours on my laptop trying to get the
>> current staging (which is one trivial commit ahead of master) checked.
>> And is still on it.
> ???  if you look in the build dir, what logs does it have?  I
> mean, I'd expect pretty much any laptop that still boots to be
> able to complete a full doc build in 6 hours.

I am doing my own development, compiling and checking in parallel.  And
yes, I have the suspicion that the chipset might not be talking
optimally fast to the hard disk.  This laptop feels way slower than the
40% or so it should be compared to the one with the dead screen.

> Agreed, a laptop isn't great for long-term patchy-staging merge,
> but I'm still surprised it's taking this long.  The compile is
> O(make doc), so asymptotically, any machine that can complete that
> task can be used in a pinch.

Oh, sure, it _can_ complete, and I am reasonably sure than it will in
the next half hour.  But I have to do a parallel "make info" for my own
current issue if I want to shake out its acceptance problems timely.

I am not sure whether the q stuff should be slated for 2.16.  It greatly
simplifies things and decreases potential for problems, but I don't see
people reporting any test results, and it certainly has seen less user
contact than my totally new code.

But whatever we decide upon, I want to give users a fair chance of
receiving the best 2.16 they can get.

David Kastrup

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