I think I have GUB running properly. I gave up trying to get it working on 64-bit Ubuntu and created a new VirtualBox VM with lilydev 1.1 as the OS. After a number of lengthy false starts (lesson 1: when it's running, don't interrupt it) I've just completed a build. I have documented what I did for later, but basically I ran make bootstrap, make and make lilypond. The last command ended with

building package: darwin-x86::lilypond
*** Stage: download (lilypond, darwin-x86)
*** Stage: untar (lilypond, darwin-x86)
*** Stage: patch (lilypond, darwin-x86)
*** Stage: autoupdate (lilypond, darwin-x86)
*** Stage: configure (lilypond, darwin-x86)
*** Stage: compile (lilypond, darwin-x86)
*** Stage: install (lilypond, darwin-x86)
*** Stage: package (lilypond, darwin-x86)
*** Stage: clean (lilypond, darwin-x86)
*** Stage: pkg_install (lilypond, darwin-x86)

make[1]: *** wait: No child processes.  Stop.
make: *** [lilypond] Error 2

Although I can't see an error on the terminal output. I think it may simply be something like a minor locking problem much earlier in the build. FWIW, on my quick machine, this took somewhat over 4 hours (compared with make ib lilypond build, which takes 1 minute 5 seconds).

I've definitely got a usable windows executable. I can't find the install packages - is there another command to run, or a secret place to look?

Phil Holmes

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