Le 22/03/2012 20:08, David Kastrup disait :
Jean-Charles Malahieude<lily...@orange.fr> writes:
The main problem in this case, in my opinion, is that you can't even
build a shortcut for combining melisma and autobeaming, since beaming
is *prefix* and melisma *postfix*.
Beaming is prefix?
just tried :
mbY = { \autoBeamOn \melisma } % melisma & beaming = Yes
mbN = { \melismaEnd \autoBeamOff } % melisma & beaming = No
\score {
\new Staff <<
\set Staff.autoBeaming = ##f
\new Voice = "melody" \relative c' {
\time 3/4
f4 g8 \mbY f e f\mbN
\autoBeamOn e8( d \autoBeamOff e2)
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" {
One -- two -- three __ }
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