On Apr 3, 2012, at 1:10 PM, Phil Holmes wrote:

> We need to check what the script is doing and how it responds to failing 
> snippets like this.  I'm not in a position to do this right now, but let's 
> not forget it's there.  I've put it on the tracker as 
> http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=2466

It's also important to establish if this is a critical regression or not.  The 
snippet dug into the bowels of LilyPond and used lots of functionality that's 
not put into play often.  So its failure to compile may be pointing to an 
unexposed regression.  Perhaps it'd be wise to label this as critical now and 
then downgrade it once we confirm that the compilation failure isn't coming 
from anything directly involved in running the LilyPond executable.

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