Hey all,

I've received a couple e-mails from colleagues and one nudge from Valentin 


I've been reticent about applying because the development community is rather 
diffuse and there isn't any good way to accept the prize money if we win.  
However, after having received now two e-mails from people who I respect a lot 
in the French computer music community, I think it'd be a good idea and that we 
should let institutional barriers stop us from applying.

I'm OK with writing up the application (due the 29th) but before I do, people 
would need to agree on where the prize money would go if we won.  My two 
thoughts are:

1) Use it internally on projects (i.e. we'd all agree that person X would get 
paid Z euros to do thing Y) in which case there'd have to be a money shepherd.  
I'd rather not do this, but I can if no one else wants to.
2) Donate it to GNU.

I'd be good to set a precedent for this now so that LilyPond can apply to other 
software competitions in the future.

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