On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 08:53:32AM +0100, Colin Hall wrote:
> Yes. I followed this documentation:
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.15/Documentation/contributor-big-page#lilydev
> http://www.philholmes.net/lilypond/LilyDev/ubuntu-LilyDev-remix-2.6.iso

Great!  Could I convince you to send a merge request via github
for the kernel url?  I can merge that immediately from the web
interface; otherwise that fix will wait until I'm in Glasgow.

More generally, if somebody has about 50 megabytes of online
storage, it would be neat if they could prepare an "unofficial"
release.  If we hit 0 critical bugs, then I'll get a new release
out, but as long as there's critical bugs remaining I'm not so
urgent about making a release myself.

Looking 1-2 months in the future when there's GOP and GLISS
happening, it would be great if other people could handle
releases.  The more people who test this (to discover+fix problems
like the kernel headers url), the easier it'll be to make

If you don't have git access then of course you can't follow the
release guidelines exactly; if you do, then go ahead and push
stuff to release/unstable.  I'll nuke those changes when I make an
official release, but there's no harm in trying out those
instructions in the meantime.

- Graham, on the train back from meeting Werner in Linz.  Free
  wifi on trains?!  Austria rocks!

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