On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 1:43 PM, Thomas Morley
<thomasmorle...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> I tried it similar to `overrideProperty' from `music-functions-init.ly'
> But I didn't manage to get rid of the ""-signs, when specifying the
> coctext. Is this possible?
> \version "2.15.38"
> offsetPositions =
> #(define-music-function (parser location name offsets) (string? pair?)
>   (let ((name-components (string-split name #\.))
>         (context-name "Voice")
>         (grob-name #f))
>     (if (> 2 (length name-components))
>         (set! grob-name (car name-components))
>         (begin
>           (set! grob-name (list-ref name-components 1))
>           (set! context-name (list-ref name-components 0))))
>  #{
>    \override $context-name . $grob-name #'positions = #(lambda (grob)
>      (let* ((func (assoc-get 'positions
>                (reverse(ly:grob-basic-properties grob))))
>             (pos (func grob)))
>         (coord-translate pos offsets)))
>  #}))

Thank you!  Making "" unnecessary would be great, but it's already excellent!

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