
I am a once-developer for Lilypond mainly involved in the effort to
add Braille Music support. I guess that makes it pretty obvious to
those who know who I am, but I do not mind.  I do have git push
permission, but I don't think that I ever used it in anger.

For me, like may others, time was a big problem.

Without doubt, there is an *enormous* learning curve particularly wrt
to the use of Scheme, the learning of which is a significant barrier
in itself.  I did not experience particular problems with
personalities and I found the other developers pretty helpful and
pleasant enough.

What would have helped me would have been a "big brother" type figure
to help with the initial grunt work of getting something simple
working within Lilypond which would have provided a base for extension
and development of the facility by myself. I guess that's asking a bit
much for a project that is largely powered by people solving their own
particular problems.

For me, though, I have moved onto different things although at some
point in the future it would be nice to come back to it.



Colin Hall

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