On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 08:55:31PM -0600, Colin Campbell wrote:
> While TablEdit certainly looks impressive, I think we couldn't list
> it on our website, as it is commercial software.  Being a GNU
> project, Lilypond is free as in beer and free as in speech, so we
> really can only recommend the same sort of software.
> I'm copying to the developers' list, though, as I can't presume to
> speak for the community.  If nothing else, that will help TablEdit
> get a bit more exposure!

I still haven't double-checked this point, or asked if we can do a
"we don't recommend these, but note that they exist" along the
lines that Phil suggested.  I'll try to do that in the next week
and get back to you.

- Graham

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