Details are still somewhat fuzzy since I don't have all that much
feedback concerning who will arrive when and leave, but there are some
corner points.

Apparently Janek will be arriving in advance.  No details yet as to his
exact travel time and accommodation wishes: like anybody else not having
mentioned anything, I count on him bringing sleeping bag or other

Marc mentioned coming as well as Rodolfo.  Rodolfo wanted to talk about
using LilyPond in a professional print environment, as they are starting
a new series of printed music books ("Musik aus Schweizer Klöstern").

As Marc was not able to work the stock instrument I can offer here, he
was thinking of bringing his left-handed guitar.  I have no precise idea
about the exact dates of those two participants and whether it might
make sense for them to organize sharing a car part of the trip (Munich
and Zurich, IIRC).

Harm/Thomas Morley intended to come on Saturday, stay probably until
Monday and camp on the premises.

John and Graham will be there essentially the whole time, John bringing
a sleeping bag.  We'll find a bed for Graham since he does not own a
sleeping bag and arrives by plane.  Mike arrives on Saturday noonish and
will leave on Tuesday noonish.

I'll dig out suitable connections for people arriving at Düsseldorf by
flight/high speed train later.

The schedule would focus on stable release work and criteria on Friday,
with the goal of getting most participants hands-on experience or at
least exposure to GUB work.  Coursework goal is the release of 2.16, and
getting the computing facilities up and running.

Saturday and Sunday are focused on programming courses.  Nils Gey asked
for the best single day to come and talk about Laborejo and likely also
music production in general, and I considered Sunday to be likely best
fit.  We'll probably put pure/unpure and other backend programming stuff
from user level on Saturday, also general Scheme programming and
frontend syntax stuff.

On the weekend, I would like to squeeze in at least some entry-level
"garbage-collection and other Guile/C++ interaction" and possibly some
"what kind of syntax can be achieved and debugged at the C++ level with
reasonable effort" discussion, with the more heavy-handed stuff being
put on Monday.

In case of "let's see what kind of release work we can get done", 2.17.0
might be possible on Sunday or Monday.  We should at least arrive at a
good agreement about how to tackle the humongous 2148 merge which is
definitely called for post-2.17.0.

David Kastrup

lilypond-devel mailing list

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