"Phil Holmes" <em...@philholmes.net> writes:

> Up until 2.15.27 http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=654 runs
> OK. Afterwards it seems to loop infinitely.  I've tried convert-ly and
> it left the snippet unchanged.  Could someone who understands what
> it's doing check whether a lily syntax change is needed, or is it
> revealing a bug?

It is quite certainly issue 2240 "Don't wrap EventChord around rhythmic
events by default", with "Fixed_2_15_28" label.  The snippet relies on a
rigid organisation of Music expressions that is no longer the same.

The snippet does a wagonload of programming and convenience shortcuts
that are not as much part of the snippet than of the writer's comfort
space.  My own impulse would be on rewriting it in a way depending less
on the exact Music structure organisation.

David Kastrup

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