On Wed, Oct 3, 2012 at 7:36 PM,  <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
>> ...but from this sentence i deduce that we're trying to do the second
>> thing, i.e. \shape will have one #'offsets argument and no argument
>> specifying grob name, which will be deduced from the music that
>> follows the command.  Right?
> Either will work.  That's the nice thing.

Wow!  I'm definitely underestimating Lily possibilities here!  Looks
like another improvement of yours that i overlooked ;)

>> In that case, LGTM.
> And in this case?

in this case i can only say
_    _  ___ _    _
|   / _  |  |\  /|
|_, \_|  |  | \/ |


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