On 2012-10-05 09:10, James wrote:

On 5 October 2012 00:19, Ian Hulin <i...@hulin.org.uk> wrote:
This is a proposal to move the triplet/tuplet discussion forward.

There will be new commands to supplement (or eventually replace) the
current \times command.

1. \tuplet n/m {<music expression>}
%  does what \times does, but not so easily confused with \time
%  command.
2. \triplet {<music expression>} % shorthand for current
%  \times 2/3 command
3. \duplet {<music expression} % shorthand for current
%  \times 3/2 command
4. \quadruplet {<music expression} % shorthand for current
%  \times 6/4 command
5. \sextuplet {<music expression} % shorthand for current
%  \times 4/6 command


Do we need all these commands?

They are helpful utility functions. We don't need them, but it would be nice to have them.

Can't we just have \tupelet and then a qualifier (or whatever it is
called) that then determines if it is 3/2. 2/3, 6/4 etc.

I may be the only one but no one that I play with makes any
distinction from a musical point of view between a 'tupelet' that is
2/3 and one that is, say, 5/3 or 6/4.

A tuplet with 2/3 and one with 4/6 have a different inherent meter (i.e. a different accentuation), even though it's notes have the same length (just like \time 3/4 and \time 6/8 have a completely different accentuation).

They are all 'tupelets.


In German, they are
2/3: Triole
3/2: Duole
4/5: Quintole
4/6: Sextole

So in German, each of them has its own name, which would coincide with the music function's name...


Reinhold Kainhofer, reinh...@kainhofer.com, http://www.kainhofer.com
 * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria
 * http://www.fam.tuwien.ac.at/, DVR: 0005886
 * Edition Kainhofer, Music Publisher, http://www.edition-kainhofer.com

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