Esa Erola wrote Wednesday, October 10, 2012 1:54 PM

> For a chosen verse in multi-verse choir etc. sould there be any chances with 
> reasonable enough effort to create a command to be used inside lyrics to skip 
> once a slur
> There is a nice snippet do to this, just a bit hard to use in multi voice 
> choir.
> It would be nice to include before a syllable something along the 
> lines "...this \once \skip \slur nice cat..." ( while the other verse would 
> have "... that yel -- low dog..."  - one more syllable )

I may have misunderstood, but doesn't \skip 1 do exactly what you
want?  (Note that \skip must be followed by a number but that this
number is ignored in lyrics.)  So you'd write

this \skip 1 nice cat

Alternatively, you can just use an empty syllable - "".

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