2012/10/9 David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>:
> Since this patch series is a bit humongous for reviewing in a single
> Rietveld review and it would take two months to get every patch in
> sequence through an individual review, I am putting this series out as
> an experiment to the list.
> Let's see how we fare.

Hi David,

sorry to drop in that late.
I had seen your patch and call for feedback before, but no time to
have a look in it. But now I did.

I copied some extracts with (small) comments:

        -\tweak #'color #red c4
        -<\tweak #'color #red c>4
        +\tweak color #red c4
        +<\tweak color #red c>4

        -\once \override Glissando #'style = #'dashed-line
        +\once \override Glissando style = #'dashed-line

        (these are some examples among a plethora of others)

This is great!!

Ofcourse the argument still needs hash and '-sign (if needed)

Excursion (skip if you want):
Recently I tried changing \label to give it a STRING-argument,
planning to parse this STRING in some additional manner.
Estimating the amount of work to change all other
functions/definitions/commands related to \label I gave up and used a

        -\once \override Glissando #'(bound-details left Y) = #3
        -\once \override Glissando #'(bound-details right Y) = #-2
        +\once \override Glissando bound-details.left.Y = #3
        +\once \override Glissando bound-details.right.Y = #-2

Great again!!


        -    \footnote #'(1 . -1) #'Stem
        -      \markup  { \teeny { Das ist ein Hals } } \default
        +    \footnote #'(1 . -1)
        +      \markup  { \teeny { Das ist ein Hals } } Stem

Here I'm not convinced.

As a LilyPond-starter (I postulate a user not having read the NR
carefully) I'd be puzzled by the single: Stem.
The older version contains \default.
This is puzzling, too. (Again, I think of a lazy user.)

Is it possible to do:

        \footnote #'(1 . -1) Stem
         \markup  { \teeny { Das ist ein Hals } }

I'm enthusiastic.

And your patch will solve some of the complaints I've listed here
(putting together the results of the german user-poll):


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