Joe Neeman <> writes:

> Ok, that's a good point. It still seems a little strange to me,
> though, that
> \undo\override Something #'color = #red
> will actually reverse the effect of
> \override Something #'color = #green

There is not really a point in using \undo on single overrides; just use
\revert instead.

\undo only becomes useful if you don't actually know (or don't want to
know, or don't permanently want to tie that knowledge which may become
inaccurate with future code changes into your code) the details of what
you are undoing.  Its main use would be in combination with \temporary,
both called on the same complex command.

That something like \voiceThree \undo \voiceOne _might_ work (do we get
every horizontal shift right?) is not something to rely on, but LilyPond
has no way to know that the user is cheating so that it may interfere.

It will be the job of the documentation of calling the user names for

David Kastrup

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