First of all, a very Merry Christmas to you all.

Unfortunately I've had to spend the holidays in hospital, but I'm now a
much happier bunny now I have my notebook and have sorted out a mobile
broadband link.

I'm trying to prototype something so we can specify names and/or
suffixes for midi files and would like to see if I can add property
checks for things in the \midi block like

\midi {
        filename = "Coronation-Anthem"
        file-suffix = "Zadok-the-Priest"}

I know ly:output-def-lookup is my friend, but how do I get hold of the
currently active midi block so I can look up the property?

Sorry if this seems an obvious question, and I'd probably get the answer
if I was at home, but I'm out on a limb a bit here.

Thanks in advance for your help,

Ian Hulin

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