Le 25/12/2012 23:30, Francisco Vila disait :

El 25/12/2012 19:31, "Federico Bruni" escribió:

Il 25/12/2012 19:23, David Kastrup ha scritto:

What actually worries me is:

All other PO files for your package are available in:


And this shows:

The current template for this domain is lilypond-2.15.95.pot

which sounds seriously outdated.

I think that it's ok. We usually update this file just before the
release of a new stable.

As you can see here:

translated files are always some development version and the minor
 number is quite high (just before the release of stable).

I think that it's up to Jean-Charles uploading the new pot file.
Then we translators get the notification and update the file for
the coming release.

As a matter of fact, I'm trying to see how to get rid of those entries containing a full personal path in the pot file (parser.yy and lexer.yy get doubled). It seems to be due to the "out of source tree build" and how make and gettext deal with recursive and upwards relative directories. Since I'm not a programmer neither very comfortable with all the building machinery we have... with just 1.5 hour a day of diving in this soup. Secondly I think to add to the file names their path relatively to $(configure-srcdir), what might help to find the source more evidently than choosing between flower, lily, ly, python, scm or scripts.

As for how can we stop it, I think no matter how frequently this
translator uploads new files, we can apply once or two times a
release, like we do in other languages, especially before a stable
release. I applied it to git, is there something more to do with a
new language?

I think that the Catalan translator (Walter Garcia-Fontes) makes regular
commits to the FTP. If you have a look at the LP's domain page, his last
update from Xmas noon reached 279 translated chains, compared to the 189
that Paco pushed on the translation branch.  Might be should we wait
that he reaches a certain percentage before uploading again, or sending
him a mail asking him how he feels about it?

Cheer, and beware your lever with all the good things we eat and drink these days!


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