Il 29/12/2012 17:05, Federico Bruni ha scritto:
Il 29/12/2012 16:51, David Kastrup ha scritto:
I have no idea, but an incomplete installation of dblatex or one that is
unable to find its own parts seems plausible.

The file which contains TexModule is
I have that file both under python2.6 and python2.7

Now I've tried removing the debian package and installing the package from PyPI:

pip install dblatex

But I get the same error.
Can you try the attached file (taken from dblatex documentation)?
Does it work for you?

$ dblatex example.xml
Build the book set list...
Build the listings...
XSLT stylesheets DocBook - LaTeX 2e (0.3.4)
Warning: the root element is not an article nor a book
Warning: example wrapped with article
Build example.pdf
Unexpected error occured
Error: cannot import name TexModule

I can't find any information about dblatex developers.
I'll send a bug report to Debian bug tracking system.

<!DOCTYPE example PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN"
<example><title>A DSSSL Function</title>
(define (node-list-filter-by-gi nodelist gilist)
  ;; Returns the node-list that contains every element of the original
  ;; nodelist whose gi is in gilist
  (let loop ((result (empty-node-list)) (nl nodelist))
    (if (node-list-empty? nl)
	(if (member (gi (node-list-first nl)) gilist)
	    (loop (node-list result (node-list-first nl)) 
		  (node-list-rest nl))
	    (loop result (node-list-rest nl))))))
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