
If you read this mailing list you are probably aware of the Bug Squad,
a small team within the Lilypond project. Their role is described in
[1] as follows:

"The Bug Squad is mainly composed of non-programmers – their job is to
organize issues, not solve them. Their duties include removing false
bug reports, ensuring that any real bug report contains enough
information for developers, and checking that a developer’s fix
actually resolves the problem."

Right now the bug squad is Eluze, Marek Klein, Ralph Palmer and I with
help from other contributors including Phil Holmes, David Kastrup,
Keith O'Hara, James, Graham Percival, Reinhold Kainhofer.

As stated here [2] we aim to respond to bug reports within four
days. Graham Percival wrote some scripts [3] to analyse the response
time performance of the bug squad and I have just run them for the
last calendar quarter of 2012.

Response category      Number   % of total
Less than 24 hours       77      67.54%
24 to 48 hours           18      15.79%
More than 48 hours       12      10.53%
Never replied             7       6.14%

As you can see, we responded to over 83% of the reports in 48 hours or
less, which I think is pretty good. "Never replied" includes some
administrative emails (that need no reply), so it's not always a bad
thing to have some emails in this category. Just email me if you would
like a copy of the full report.

If you would like to help us improve on this by joining the bug squad,
please get in touch. I have one new applicant-in-waiting, Joe
Wakeling, but we could use one or two more!


[2] http://lilypond.org/bug-reports.html
[3] https://github.com/gperciva/lilypond-extra/tree/master/bug-squad


Colin Hall
Bug Meister

lilypond-devel mailing list

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