On 17 mars 2013, at 10:19, d...@gnu.org wrote:

> You don't fix your own work after it has been committed,

This is patently false.  Please do not write e-mails like this to a public list 
that can be read by future employers of mine that want to evaluate my integrity.

> so why would
> you fix inconsistencies afterwards that you felt ok to ignore in the
> first place?  Who is going to fix them?  "the community".  Please try
> acting as a part of "the community" instead of piling work on for "the
> community" that "somebody else (TM)" will at some time solve.

"Please try acting as a part of the community" is insulting.  I fix bugs that 
I've cause and I have fixed numerous bugs that other people (including you) 
have introduced.

The more caustic your e-mails are, the more difficult it is to extract the 
useful parts from them.  Please tone down your language or, if that is too 
difficult, please send me e-mails privately.  Public e-mails of this nature 
will result eventually in my leaving the project.

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