On 2013/03/17 14:37:52, thomasmorley65 wrote:
> This is doable, but I'd wait to see from someone who knows how these
> if this is actually how they are printed.
> I want to say that they are always printed with the line going up
> of the side of the staff, but I could be wrong.

The only Ferneyhough-score I've at home prints the dynamics always
below the

There are Ferneyhough scores with dynamics above the staff -- some of
the piano works (e.g. Lemma-Icon-Epigram), and some of the vocal works.
See e.g. the second movement of his 4th String Quartet which has a part
for soprano:

In this you see flared hairpins above the staff, and also dynamic
brackets above the staff (e.g. at about 1:33 where there's a great long
ffff bracket above the soprano part).

The more general remark is that even if Ferneyhough did only place his
dynamic markings below the staff, you couldn't assume that would remain
true of all composers wanting to use Ferneyhough-like dynamic indicators
in their scores :-)

Final remark: while it's nice to see Ferneyhough getting namechecked
might it be worth naming this alteration as flared-hairpin rather than


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