On Mon, 25 Mar 2013 00:29:35 -0700, m...@mikesolomon.org <m...@mikesolomon.org> 

On 25 mars 2013, at 07:10, k-ohara5...@oco.net wrote:

It looks like you try to use a common UP/DOWN direction for the portions
of a broken slur, and the image you posted to the bug-tracker showed a
common direction for each half of a broken slur, but the current patch
gives me inconsistent directions (in every case but especially line 3).

I only use a common UP/DOWN if it is set by the user beforehand.  Otherwise, it 
is calculated with the usual callbacks.

I see.  I thought you were using the same machinery that breaks slurs at 
line-breaks, which uses a common direction between halves.  I see now that you 
are breaking earlier, at 'engraving', before all the notes under a slur are 
engraved, thus befor the slur directions are determined. Shucks.

Please do just one manual review of the regression suite between
versions before adding another test of this length.

What do you mean here?

You'll see a large number of very small regression tests, and a few huge very 
repetitive tests.  You might think the huge repetitive tests get in the way of 

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