
2013/4/6 David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>:
> master has stopped being suitable for turning into a
> stable branch.  There are several ways forward, none of them
> particularly endearing.
> Developers simply can't be interested in doing and not doing what would
> be important for a stable release.  The minute I let my guard down for
> the duration of a countdown since I actually have _more_ work to do than
> to replace common sense for everybody else if a stable release is
> supposed to get out, stuff is dumped into master that is not suitable
> for inclusion into a stable release.
> d) get someone else to cater for making a stable release so that I am
> not the only one running after release quality.  I don't really see this
> working out: before I took over the 2.16 release process, we had release
> candidates for over a year being called and called off again, based on a
> semi-automatic quality criterion.  We'd need a reasonably competent
> developer to judge scope/quality/character of patches to cherry-pick,
> and the reasonably competent developers are not interested in stable
> release work.

2013/4/6 David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>:
> Blocking the progress of
> destabilizing material into master would only make sense if developers
> actually cared for working on stabilizing the release instead.

I'm willing to volunteer for this (i.e. actively helping to make a
stable release by fixing bugs and updating documentation).
However, i think that its essential for us to first have a voice chat
about all the problems that we're currently having.  I believe that
our problems cannot be effectively solved by mailing list discussions.

What do you think and when do you have time?
I'm available tomorrow 10-22 UTC, Monday 6-9, 12-14 and 20-22 UTC,
Tuesday 6-9 and 15-22 UTC, almost whole Wednesday and probably whole


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