
2013/4/30 Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org>:
> [...] In other words, within `Dynamics', the appearance of an element which
> is not `s' triggers the creation of a small Dynamics subcontext (or
> however you want to call it) which exists until the element disappears
> in the flow of time, plus some horizontal padding around it.
> Does this make sense?

I intend to hack on this (as it's part of
http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=2459) but first i
have to finish smaller lyrics issues that are partially done, and they
wait for 3239, which waits for 2.19, which is far away... :(
I have *no* idea when i'll look at this closely.  But i surely am
interested in this.


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