Phil Holmes wrote Wednesday, July 31, 2013 6:04 PM

> From: <>

>> Documentation/learning/tweaks.itely:2472: property.  Spacing them away
>> from the staff which they relate to
>> Sorry to be pedantic, but I'm of an age that still
>> prefers to see "to which" in print.
> I will change it before pushing, but "up with which I will not put" is 
> relevant?

Not really.  Churchill probably never said this.  His command of English
was impeccable::

"The conditions of the Transvaal ordinance under which Chinese Labour is now 
being carried on do not, in my opinion, constitute a state of slavery. A labour 
contract into which men enter voluntarily for a limited and for a brief period, 
under which they are paid wages which they consider adequate, under which they 
are not bought or sold and from which they can obtain relief on payment of 
seventeen pounds ten shillings, the cost of their passage, may not be a healthy 
or proper contract, but it cannot in the opinion of His Majesty's Government be 
classified as slavery in the extreme acceptance of the word without some risk 
of terminological inexactitude." 

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