----- Original Message ----- From: "Phil Holmes" <em...@philholmes.net>
To: "Devel" <lilypond-devel@gnu.org>
Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2013 4:31 PM
Subject: Screenshots/PNG files in manuals

As I said earlier, I'm working on the tutorial in the LM. It uses screenshots to show what users will see on the screen. The versions on the web are (as expected from a pixel-based system) fine. However, the versions in the PDF docs are badly scaled and look ugly. It seems that this is generally tackled for images by making them large and then constraining the width in the tex version of the source (this is how it's done in the essay). I'm wondering if there's a better way - is there a recommended pixel-per-inch setting for image files that will end up in the PDFs? I've looked on the web and couldn't find anything, but am hoping someone will know.

Phil Holmes

I resorted to generating a number of pixel-constrained grids at different PPI to try to work this out, and this is what I've found.

The main problem with screenshot-type images in the PDFs is that the viewer program scales them badly on screen, and as a result they look bad. Printed output is far better. However, if the resolution of a screenshot is left at its default, then the image in the PDF is far too big. In my experiments, it appears that a setting of 120 pixels per inch gives a good compromise between having an image large enough to be legible, and allowing images of a reasonable pixel count. With 120 PPI, the maximum image size is just over 750 pixels.

I think a small section in the docs section of the CG with this information might be worth it?

Phil Holmes

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