Keith OHara wrote:
> the pure-estimate and unpure-final versions of a function
> The word 'pure' might have too much a connotation as 'good'.  Maybe we
> should rename 'pure' ->
> 'shitty_hack_estimate_because_I_am_unable_to_order_layout_decisions_better_please_forgive_me'

Oh, so *that's* what all the 'pure' stuff is about! I was wondering.
The CG says it's just functional purity, but that obviously isn't the
whole story. Renaming them to something like 'estimate' would be less
confusing. ('Raw' is opaque to me, but 'estimate' is clear. Or are
they really ideals instead of estimates?)

Is everything with 'pure' in its name for estimates, or are some of
them just functions that happen to be pure, or that need to be pure
for some other reason?

Unpure-pure-container is also confusing. There's an explanatory
comment at the top of, but it's unfinished:
“Used for rerouting a function of (grob start end) to one of (grob)”.
Perhaps it should be named after its purpose rather than its
implementation: something like 'estimator', 'with-estimator',
'estimable', 'two-phase-layout-function'?

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