Hello all,

A large proportion of my compositions and arrangements include voice. There are 
certain (one might almost say “many”) things about Lily’s vocal engraving 
engine that need fixing. Hence I was very excited when Janek took that part of 
Lily on during his Google Summer of Code stint. However, not everything that 
was planned for was ultimately completed; furthermore, there are things that 
weren’t even part of the original plan that I (and, I assume, many others) 
would benefit from.

I have been personally sponsoring little fixes and improvements… but it’s time 
to get serious about the Lyric things, because I have a HUGE engraving year 
ahead of me (including four complete stage musicals and two chamber operas, 
plus a number of choral and vocal pieces).

Mike S. (who has withdrawn from circulation due to friction on the list) and 
Janek (who is "on sabbatical” due to physical problems) were my main 
sponsor-ees, so I’m reaching out in the hopes others might be available to help.

The two things I need/want ASAP are

1. Notes spaced “correctly” regardless of lyrics, with the lyrics then “sliding 
around” to fit the notes (instead of the opposite, which is currently the 
case), q.v. <http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=2450>, 
<http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=2456>, etc.

2. LyricHyphen hara-kiri, q.v. 
<http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=2458> etc.

Any takers?

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