I see the need to modify the "Our Goal" box on "Introduction", but I wouldn't want to do that on my own because it would feel like modifying someone else's tune instead of only adding a figured bass to it.

So I'd like to get some feedback here and propose a patch only then.

Here are my thoughts:

"Our Goal"
I would like to change this because this wording seems more appropriate for a first alpha release of a project. We all know and have discussed only recently that LilyPond still has quite a long way to (and might never reach) truly automated engraving. But I wouldn't say this as explicitly at such a prominent place. What about "Our Mission" (as actually was in my first draft that I uploaded to my private server)? I think this still leaves room for further development but has a more positivistic touch to it.

"LilyPond came about ..." (first paragraph)
This is good and I wouldn't want to touch it.

"The result is a system ..." (second paragraph)
This is confusing and seems contradictory.
- "which frees musicians"
  who is "freed", the musician reading a score
  or the person creating it?
- "from the details of layout"
  freeing from the details, what does that actually mean?
- "allowing them to focus on making music"
  again: who is it that can focus, the performer or the typesetter?
  As this person is grammatically the same as the one addressed in
  the first part of the sentence it can only be
  the performer or the composer.
- "LilyPond works with them"
  This can only be the typesetting person, so it's not really clear
  what the whole paragraph is intending.
Apart from that it isn't clear why beeing freed from the details of layout should be a result from the idea of a software that creates parts that are elegant and not soulless.

From my understanding the content of this second paragraph should be something along the lines of:
- The above ideal resulted in a system
- that is based on "the best traditions ..."
- lets typesetters concentrate on the music
  instead of fiddling with "the details of layout"
- results in scores that let performers
  concentrate on playing music instead of reading it

What do you think?


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