Am 15.01.2014 18:32, schrieb Paul Morris:
Carl Peterson wrote
Maybe not texidoc-wise, but it's something I thought about on its own
merits. I'm personally not crazy about is as it would basically result in
us creating a very specialized set of CSS parameters for a very specific
thing that could be changed and completely removed or made incompatible
with what is coded. That said, Paul is right. It is technically doable
in a way that gracefully degrades to text browsers), but I'm not sure
that's the ideal route from the maintenance side of things.

Those are good points.  Using inline styles would be a way to address these
issues, while raising others... but maybe it wouldn't work with texidoc

I gave a markup version a try:

\version "2.18.0"

\markup \center-column {
   \box \pad-markup #1 {
     \line \rounded-box \pad-markup #1
       { "Plain Editor" "Dedicated Editor" "IDE" }
     \draw-line #'(0 . 4)
     \arrow-head #Y #DOWN ##f
   \box \pad-markup #1 \with-color #blue
     { "LilyPond input file(s)"}
     \draw-line #'(0 . 4)
     \arrow-head #Y #DOWN ##f
   \rounded-box \pad-markup #1
     \draw-line #'(0 . 4)
     \arrow-head #Y #DOWN ##f
   \box \pad-markup #1 {
     \line \box \pad-markup #1 \with-color #blue
       { "PDF" "SVG" "PNG" "MIDI" "More..." }


Hm, now I see that I can't use a LilyPond example on the website (I mean to let it auto-generate), this works only inside manuals.

For comparable images, e.g. the ones on Text Input, I see different localized ones in the pictures folder of lilypond-extra, but no source where they might have been generated from.

So the question remains open: How do I provide new images to the website that should be translated?


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