On 7. Juli 2014 17:19:50 MESZ, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
>Urs Liska <u...@openlilylib.org> writes:
>>> On 7. Juli 2014 16:24:34 MESZ, "Janek Warchoł"
><janek.lilyp...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>Hi all,
>>>>It's been almost two years since the Waltrop 2012 LilyPond Meeting,
>>>>which i had the pleasure to participate.  What about organizing
>>>>another meeting this year?
>>>>- who'd be interested?
>>>>- where? (David, are you interested in being the host again?)
>>>>- when? (i suggest 15-17 August)
>>>>If the meeting will take place within 1500 km from Warsaw (e.g. at
>>>>Waltrop) and there will be at least 4 other participants, count me
>> I'll be definitely unavailable Aug 10-24. This doesn't mean that
>> dates would work, but that's what I can say right now.
>The Waltroper Parkfest <URL:http://www.waltroper-parkfest.de> runs from
>August 29th to August 31st.  It is an excellent diversion for
>accompanying guests and participants, though no participants actually
>were inclined to go there in 2012.  For German-speaking participants,
>let me quote
>    Das Waltroper Parkfest findet 2014 an den letzten drei Augusttagen
>    statt. Highlights des Ostvest-Kulturspektakels auf vier Bühnen sind
>   Auftritte von Juli, Hennes Bender, Brings und Too Strong, sowie eine
>    gemeinsame Show der NDW-Stars Markus, Geier Sturzflug, Hubert Kah
>    und Fräulein Menke.
>Putting the meeting in parallel with the Parkfest in a similar manner
>last time would place it on August 28th to September 2nd, with the
>and end days mostly being for arrival and departure.  

That woukd make it considerably more likely for me. I even know that I could 
"park" my kids in that period.

> The disadvantage
>is that the availability of external accommodation may be strained
>during the Parkfest so one should book soon enough if that is desired.
>Camping on our premises is possible, and we can accommodate a number of
>people in the house, particularly if they have sleeping bags of their
>> Apart from that I have an idea about a beautiful and appropriate
>> location in Stuttgart I could ask for.
>I don't know about "appropriate" but the surroundings here _are_ rather
>scenic.  Judging from the last meeting, nobody can bother with going
>outside anyway as long as the Internet is up.  And we've more than
>doubled our bandwidth as compared to last time when it was at 1Mbps.

I'm not going to push my sugestion (as I don't even know if it would actually 
be available). It was meant as a response to Janek's question *if* you'd be 


>This year's bird sightings on the premises include cuckoos, great tits,
>white wagtails, green woodpeckers, black redstarts, barn swallows,
>spotted flycatchers, magpies, yellowhammers, buzzards and a number of
>If there is sufficient interest, I'd be quite willing to host another
>meeting.  Waltrop is north of Dortmund in the Ruhr area.

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