File Documentation/changes.tely (right):
Documentation/changes.tely:104: @end example
Just a small note: While this example accurately describes the syntax
for using the new context property, it doesn't explain what the property
does: the property can be modified to alter the perceived volume of even
sustained notes (albeit in a very low-level way).  Here's a more
complete (but longer, and still artificial) example to demonstrate the
idea (if necessary).  (There's also a higher-level music function to
adjust the expression level attached to issue 4059, but this function
can't be made to fit in the Changes document.)

\score {
  \new Staff \with {
    midiExpression = #0.6
    midiInstrument = #"clarinet"
    { a'1~ a'1 }
      \set Staff.midiExpression = #0.7 s4\f\<
      \set Staff.midiExpression = #0.8 s4
      \set Staff.midiExpression = #0.9 s4
      \set Staff.midiExpression = #1.0 s4

      \set Staff.midiExpression = #0.9 s4\>
      \set Staff.midiExpression = #0.8 s4
      \set Staff.midiExpression = #0.7 s4
      \set Staff.midiExpression = #0.6 s4\!
  \midi { }

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