With Heikki's and Trevor's suggestions

File Documentation/notation/input.itely (right):

On 2014/10/25 12:09:13, ht wrote:
Supposing that there's a list about features that are supported in
default, I think this could already be a good place for presenting it
instead of
postponing the list until the section on \articulate.

Personally I don't see the need for stating what *is* supported (unless
I suppose, that list is significantly larger that what is *not* but it
doesn't seem to be, at least to my uneducated eyes).

Documentation/notation/input.itely:2708: A MIDI player that supports
pitch bend will be needed for Microtones.
On 2014/10/25 12:09:13, ht wrote:
If this section includes a list of supported features, this
information doesn't
need to be repeated as a known issue.
See my previous comment.

Documentation/notation/input.itely:2711: accent, marcato and portato.
On 2014/10/25 12:09:13, ht wrote:
Same here.
See my previous comment.

Documentation/notation/input.itely:2714: the @code{-dmidi-extension}
option with the @code{lilypond} command:
On 2014/10/25 12:09:13, ht wrote:
In the PDF output, this example about changing the default output file
gets formatted as if it belonged to the "known issues" list (which I
think is
wrong).  A more logical place for these examples would be after the
section on
the MIDI block.

I have moved it to the end of that MIDI block section. I think it is OK
there and we have enough sections and subsections as it is I think.

Documentation/notation/input.itely:2828: @ref{MIDI instruments},
otherwise Grand Piano (@code{acoustic grand})
On 2014/10/26 22:00:14, Trevor Daniels wrote:
refs should always be placed at the end of a sentence. (See CG 5.4.7)


Documentation/notation/input.itely:2861: to match any articulations or
tempo indications.  Engraved output
On 2014/10/25 12:09:13, ht wrote:
"any articulations or tempo indications" => "some [common]
articulations or
tempo change indications"


Documentation/notation/input.itely:2866: abbreviatures, such as trills
and turns, to be processed as well.
On 2014/10/25 12:09:13, ht wrote:
Just tried this: trills and turns work with \articulate even without
\unfoldRepeats, so this explanation about why \unfoldRepeats could be
needed is

I found in the mailing list archives a comment

Peter Chubb, the original author of the articulate.ly script) which
asserts that
"Articulate doesn't actually need the \unfoldRepeats for anything.".
it seems that the use of \unfoldRepeats, even in the following
example, is just
the "standard" use which is already covered in the "Repeats in MIDI"
section, so
all references to \unfoldRepeats could possibly be removed from this
(Maybe the linked message's note about the effect of the order of
and \articulate on performance could be given as a "known issue".)

To still give an idea about what the \articulate command can do that
is not
supported in MIDI by default, I'd in any case keep the text "the
command enables abbreviatures, such as trills and turns, to be
processed" and
combine it into the previous (and maybe also the next) paragraph.


Documentation/notation/input.itely:2894: Items that are not reflected in
MIDI output, even with the
On 2014/10/25 12:09:13, ht wrote:
In the case that the features supported by default are listed already
in the
beginning of the section on MIDI, this list can be removed.

See my comments above about listing 'supported vs not supported'

Instead, I think that a warning could be added that the \articulate
will disable the (new default, issue 3664) effects applied to
(\staccato etc.), so customizing the behavior of articulations should
be done
using the variables introduced in the articulate.ly script.

Thank you, done.

Documentation/notation/input.itely:2951: See @file{script-init.ly}
On 2014/10/25 12:09:13, ht wrote:
A minor problem with adapting the text from the Changes document to
this section
on dynamics is that only some of the commands have effects on MIDI

In the end it's probably easiest to remove the mention about the
from this section (despite some of them having influence on MIDI
volume), and
just list the articulations in the list of supported MIDI features.

... hmmm.

I don't want to 'poo poo' a list of supported vs unsupported, it's just
my own personal opinion based on that if you have a list of things that
are supposed to work then by inference everything else does not, so if
you miss something or if you forget something or if you fail to consider
something and it doesn't appear on the list it implies that that
'something' doesn't work which may or may not be true and extra work is
then needed to verify this (is it a bug? doc fix? regression?
enhancement? and so on)

That's my basic philosophy with yes/no lists.

However it is useful to make a distinction between what doesn't work in
\articulate and what doesn't work with default midi output and assume
everything in between does work. But we have to be careful that we don't
just end up just listing bugs or what are, effectively, potential
product enhancements either.

We have a few tracker issues like this (\paper function I seem to
recall) where the 'lists' are incomplete of what can and cannot be used
and where they can and cannot be used.

What could be useful, however, is a new LilyPond code snippet about
the new default behavior of the articulations, possibly in the
"Enhancing MIDI
output" section.

Yes that would make sense I think. I did something similar with Clefs in
the NR recently.

[I have however failed to make one myself...  Firstly, there are no
called "midiLength" or "midiExtraVelocity" defined in the patch [issue
that introduces the new default behavior (there are references to
and "midi-extra-velocity" instead).  Secondly, "script-init.ly" only
demonstrates how to (re)define the commands which produce
articulations - as a
user I'm wondering whether this is the only way to customize the
behavior, or
whether it's possible to change the ArticulationEvent properties later
as seems
to be suggested in the text from the Changes document.  (It certainly
seem to be as simple as \override
ArticulationEvent.midi-extra-velocity = ... )

I suggest to create a new tracker for this so it is not forgotten and
can be added to as needed.

For now, I will remove this para completely and made sure of the
reference to the script-init.ly in the list of 'Installed Files' a few
lines down.

File ly/articulate.ly (right):

ly/articulate.ly:32: % Breath marks.
On 2014/10/25 12:09:13, ht wrote:
The articulate script does not intepret breath marks: instead, breath
marks are
handled by the features introduced in issue 3664.


On 2014/10/25 12:09:13, ht wrote:
I think the original web page about the Articulate script
<http://nicta.com.au/people/chubbp/articulate> still gives an accurate
description of what the \articulate function really does.  I think
this could be
very useful information to add (or link) in some form to the script.

I have added the URL in the comments section.

There is
some information that could be added or updated, however:
  * Any note marked staccatissimo is shortened by
ac:staccatissimoFactor (default
  * Any note marked tenuto is shortened by ac:tenutoFactor (default
1/1, so by
default notes marked tenuto get their full value).

Added a small section of its own for these two - unless you think they
deserve more prominence in the NR proper?

  * Trills and turns are expanded [...]
    => Trills, turns, mordents and pralls are expanded. [...]

Updated a para in the main comment above with this information.

Also, I know that \articulate has been enhanced to do something to
grace notes
as well

but I'm not familiar with the effects of these changes.

If you look at the diff of that commit you will see that these were
added in the articulate.ly file already at the time. So there seems to
be nothing more to do in that regard.


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