Simon Albrecht <> writes:

> Am 09.04.2015 um 07:14 schrieb
>> On 2015/04/08 20:18:55, lemzwerg wrote:
>>> It's not clear to me what you expect and how it should work.
>> Letting PostScript ask for Helvetica which will let GhostScript fall
>> back to the URW version when the original Helvetica is not available.
>> If I understand correctly, we currently ask for and embed the URW
>> version.  But maybe printers have their own way to resubstitute the
>> original.
> I don’t get your point here. Don’t we have convenient mechanisms to
> select other fonts than default?
> \paper {
>   fonts = #(set-global-fonts #:sans "Helvetica")
> }

The idea was to get optimal results from a clueless user delivering
default content to a clueless publisher/printer using standard (and
probably expensive) equipment.

I've had some publishing project where the default layout specs called
for "Arial".  Which is actually a non-trivial feat to produce using TeX.
When looking at example printed drafts from the publisher providing the
specifications however (rather than the DOC files produced according to
specs), it became obvious that "Arial" was just an intermediary and
would have been substituted by Helvetica anyway at the printing stage.

Now I don't want to suggest that LilyPond should produce DOC files using
Arial (Bach forbid) but getting as close as possible to the workflow of
the clueless anticipated by the provider of professional tools seems

I just don't have an idea what that workflow would actually be.

David Kastrup

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