Janek WarchoĊ‚ wrote Sunday, May 03, 2015 12:53 AM
> The behaviour that discouraged me from working on LilyPond for some
> time was not obviously unacceptable (i.e. it wasn't some ad hominem
> attack, nor anything else unanimously condemned by others).  Rather,
> it was the general attitude of some people who sometimes seem to
> oppose changes only because they personally don't like them (or think
> they're not important), without even suggesting reasonable
> alternatives.

Hi Janek

I think quite a high proportion of the LP developer community have gone
through this at some stage, often more than once ;-)  It's hard when others
oppose one's cherished opinions - I know from experience!  But that's how
open source works - the community is judge and jury.  Often it seems that
just one individual is opposing you, rather than the community, but that's 
often because silence is the way of indicating satisfaction with the way the
discussion or indeed the proposal is going.  We don't want the list flooded
with +1's.

Anyway, many of us have returned (in my personal case more understanding
and wiser, I hope) so welcome back!  We missed you!

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