Carl Sorensen wrote Monday, May 04, 2015 4:48 AM

> In searching around on Savannah's page, I found InDefero
> which claims to be an open-source lightweight
> copy of Google Code.  Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that there are any
> publicly available hosting sites using it, so it may be somewhat
> challenging to test it.

This would have been ideal, but AFAICS it is virtually moribund, and I suspect 
unfinished.  Certainly there was little activity during the last year, the last 
being about Nov 2014.  I guess it lost support due to Google Code being freely 
available.  Maybe it will revive now Google Code is dying?  But it looks some 
way from a fully working, reliable system.  For example, I can find little 
useful documentation beyond the source code.


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