Carl Sorensen wrote Monday, May 04, 2015 8:40 PM

> So perhaps it would be a good idea to test Allura
> on SourceForge, and see if we like it.  If we do,
> then we could let the Savannah people know, and
> maybe they'd be willing to use it as their issue tracker.

OK, I've created a project on SourceForge and started
downloading the issues DB from GoogleCode.

First, it's gonna be slow - 70 in first 20 minutes, ~200 in first hour.

Second, jpeg attachments are displayed (see issue 1313, where I manually added 
one of the originals, but they are not imported from GoogleCode.)

Here's more of what I see so far:

Copied OK
  Issue number and Title
  Status (but doesn't seem to figure in searches until issue is edited ??)
  Discussion (but not ref numbers - there is a link field, though, for future 
  Stars -> Up votes

Not copied
  Labels (some are, needs more investigation)
  Attachments (when we exported before we had to extract the attachments 
separately, so this is a GoogleCode limitation.  However, there isn't even a 
marker, so there's no way the attachments could be added later.)
You can see the progress here:


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