On 04/05/15 04:02, Carl Sorensen wrote:
>> 2. Compiling with LilyDev (2.3) and Compiling (4.x)
> 2.3 is about getting it set up with LilyDev.  4.x is about general work
> whether with or without LilyDev.  We are much stronger about recommending
> the use of LilyDev than we were when the CG was originally written, so
> perhaps it's time to make a change here.
Am I right here? Is lilydev a debian-based virtual machine. I absolutely
DO NOT get on with Debian based distros. SuSE and gentoo are my thing,
I've tried Debian, Mint, Ubuntu, dunno what else ... if it's
debian-based I hated it. I don't know why, I didn't get on with Red Hat
either, despite SuSE and RH being rpm-based.

(Actually, I started using gentoo, because the latest SuSE was not
sufficiently up-to-date to compile a development copy of lilypond! :-)

But anyways, the main point of this email is to point out that pushing
debian could cost you developers - I don't know how many people like me
there are out there, but if I have to use a debian-based system my
reaction is likely to be "thanks but no thanks". (That said, I think a
ready-prepped virtual machine is a very good idea, just don't assume
"one size fits all")


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