Valentin Villenave wrote Tuesday, May 05, 2015 7:01 AM

> Surely there must be something I’ve overlooked, because all these
> talks of setting up a new system on Savannah must have a valid reason;
> having been using their bug tracker semi-regularly, I just can’t
> figure out what these reasons may be. Can someone remind me why
> Savannah’s own tool is irredeemably insufficient for our needs?

Hi Valentin

Does Savannah's issue tracker receive and display images?  Just
asking, I don't know, although I believe not.  And would the size of our
Issue DB be a problem?  I didn't get an answer from the Savannah

There is no import mechanism from GoogleCode, AFAIK, so we'd
have to develop that, as well as rewriting git cl, patchy, etc.  These
latter would be easier to do with a similar API.

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