> what happens if I set delete-intermediate-file to ##f?
> Will the temporary PS file be renamed or copied to '<name>.ps'?


Temporary PS file will be created in the temporary directory,
instead of current directory.

If you set delete-intermediate-file to ##f,
lilypond will not delete the temporary file in the temporary directory.

> Background:
> I'm often compiling LY files using this option, because besides the PDF
> created by lilypond I create another file from data in the PS file (in a
> batch process after lilypond has been executed) - and I start up to 8
> lilypond processes for parallel execution if I want to 'update' all PDFs of
> a lilypond project.

When you want both PDF and PS files,
I recommend the following command.

$ lilypond --pdf --ps <name>.ly

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