On 12/05/15 21:15, Trevor Daniels wrote:
> James wrote Tuesday, May 12, 2015 1:46 PM
>>> Trevor
>> Do we even need a new git-cl?
>> I am no expert but wasn't that designed to get around the fact that we 
>> had to upload to two different places (one place for actual review and 
>> one for a note on the tracker). Does this new place come with it's own 
>> workflow and so it would be a case of 'use their tools' and update the 
>> CG with the instructions - at least as an interim solution.
> Well, I'm totally unfamiliar with Allura's Review mechanism so I can't 
> comment on that, but I think I'd favour making the minimal changes needed at 
> this time, vis just moving the tracker.  Since, as you say, git-cl was 
> designed to work with a tracker and review that are independent it should be 
> fine with just moving the tracker.
>> Patchy is a different kettle of fish. Although I wouldn't want that to 
>> delay getting the conversion/move done, as while it may be a fiddle for 
>> others to manually test things, I don't mind doing that - but as I have 
>> said it would mean that most patch testing would take a few more extra 
>> steps for me so it would make testing during a normal work day more 
>> difficult.
> That's good news!  So it looks like we have the makings of a complete 
> solution, even if we can't figure out how Patchy works.  I'm sure we'll find 
> some undesirable features of Allura when we get down to the details, but 
> that's what the next few weeks will tell us.
> Trevor

Oh if someone could look at the script that Mark Hohl (I think) created
a while back called 'make-countdown-announcement.sh'
(..scripts/auxilliar/..) - that is the script that really saves me a lot
of time with formatting the patch countdown emails.

It basically downloads a csv file of everything from the tracker that is
labelled push/review/countdown or waiting and then outputs it to the
terminal it's run in.

I can then cut/paste it into an email.

It's not a show stopper but it is really handy.


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