Reviewers: ,

I've found that LilyPond fail to compile the source file whose name
contains `%' to png files.
For example, the following command fails.

$ lilypond --png

This patch solve it.

Fix png filename handling

    This patch can compile the source file
    whose name contains `%' and convert to png files.
    (e.g. `' to `%foobar.png')

Use ly:system in make-ps-images (ps-to-png.scm)

    In make-ps-images,
    use ly:system instead of my-system for invoking gs.
    It is the same way as postscript->pdf

Delete duplicate procedures in ps-to-png.scm

    PLATFORM: lily.scm
    search-executable: backend-library.scm
    search-gs: backend-library.scm
    gulp-port: unused

Please review this at

Affected files (+36, -61 lines):
  M scm/ps-to-png.scm

Index: scm/ps-to-png.scm
diff --git a/scm/ps-to-png.scm b/scm/ps-to-png.scm
index 3b6b6c2452c719aa9963685d30861944172af19c..9c977b6463fd20d3a535ddcb353e567992736958 100644
--- a/scm/ps-to-png.scm
+++ b/scm/ps-to-png.scm
@@ -31,32 +31,9 @@

 (define-public _ gettext)

-(define PLATFORM
-  (string->symbol
-   (string-downcase
-    (car (string-tokenize (utsname:sysname (uname)) char-set:letter)))))
 (define (re-sub re sub string)
   (regexp-substitute/global #f re string 'pre sub 'post))

-(define (search-executable names)
-  (define (helper path lst)
-    (if (null? (cdr lst))
-        (car lst)
-        (if (search-path path (car lst)) (car lst)
-            (helper path (cdr lst)))))
-  (let ((path (parse-path (getenv "PATH"))))
-    (helper path names)))
-(define (search-gs)
-  (search-executable '("gs-nox" "gs-8.15" "gs")))
-(define (gulp-port port max-length)
-  (let ((str (make-string max-length)))
-    (read-string!/partial str port 0 max-length)
-    str))
 (define-public (gulp-file file-name . max-size)
   (ly:gulp-file file-name (if (pair? max-size) (car max-size))))

@@ -118,41 +95,44 @@
           (pngn (format #f "~a-page%d.~a" base-name extension))
           (page-count (ps-page-count tmp-name))
           (multi-page? (> page-count 1))
-          (output-file (if multi-page? pngn png1))
-          (gs-variable-options
-           (if is-eps
-               "-dEPSCrop"
-                       page-width page-height)))
-          (cmd (ly:format "~a\
- ~a\
- ~a\
- -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4\
- -dTextAlphaBits=4\
- -sDEVICE=~a\
- -sOutputFile=~S\
- -r~a\
- ~S\
- -c quit"
-                          (search-gs)
-                          (if be-verbose "" "-q")
-                          gs-variable-options
-                          pixmap-format
-                          output-file
-                          (* anti-alias-factor resolution) tmp-name))
-          (status 0)
-          (files '()))

-     ;; The wrapper on windows cannot handle `=' signs,
-     ;; gs has a workaround with #.
-     (if (eq? PLATFORM 'windows)
-         (begin
-           (set! cmd (re-sub "=" "#" cmd))
-           (set! cmd (re-sub "-dSAFER " "" cmd))))
+          ;; Escape `%' (except `page%d') for ghostscript
+          (base-name-gs (string-join
+                         (string-split base-name #\%)
+                         "%%"))
+          (png1-gs (format #f "~a.~a" base-name-gs extension))
+          (pngn-gs (format #f "~a-page%d.~a" base-name-gs extension))
+          (output-file (if multi-page? pngn-gs png1-gs))
+          (*unspecified* (if #f #f))
+          (cmd
+           (remove (lambda (x) (eq? x *unspecified*))
+                   (list
+                    (search-gs)
+                    (if (ly:get-option 'verbose) *unspecified* "-q")
+                    (if (or (ly:get-option 'gs-load-fonts)
+                            (ly:get-option 'gs-load-lily-fonts)
+                            (eq? PLATFORM 'windows))
+                        "-dNOSAFER"
+                        "-dSAFER")
+                    (if is-eps
+                        "-dEPSCrop"
+                        (ly:format "-dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=~$" page-width))
+                    (if is-eps
+                        *unspecified*
+                        (ly:format "-dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=~$" page-height))
+                    "-dGraphicsAlphaBits=4"
+                    "-dTextAlphaBits=4"
+                    "-dNOPAUSE"
+                    "-dBATCH"
+                    (ly:format "-sDEVICE=~a" pixmap-format)
+                    (string-append "-sOutputFile=" output-file)
+                    (ly:format "-r~a" (* anti-alias-factor resolution))
+                    (string-append "-f" tmp-name))))
+          (files '()))

-     (set! status (my-system be-verbose #f cmd))
+     (ly:system cmd)

      (set! files
            (if multi-page?
@@ -162,11 +142,6 @@
                 (iota page-count))
                (list (format #f "~a.png" base-name))))

-     (if (not (= 0 status))
-         (begin
-           (for-each delete-file files)
-           (exit 1)))
      (if (and rename-page-1 multi-page?)
            (rename-file (re-sub "%d" "1" pngn) png1)

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