>> Hmm.  I don't think this glyph looks inconsistent...
> Here's what I meant. In the following image, we see two normal flats
> superimposed (in green) on top of the doubleflat glyph (in
> black). The stems are matched up to show what I'm referring to as
> being inconsistent: [...]  It would seem better to me to at least
> have the the left counter look more like the right one.

Indeed, the code aims for having two almost identically sized
`holes'.  As other have already remarked, we need real-world samples
to better judge this.

>> > 2. scripts.pralldown, scripts.prallup: The wiggle's thick/thin parts
>> > are opposite of the other similar glyphs, which seems odd to me.
> Well, whatever the reason, in fetatrills.mf, pralldown is the
> created by scaling upprall by -X, which certainly does save a bunch
> of extra code, but looks funny (and, again, inconsistent to the rest
> of the trill-like glyphs) to me.  Looks like its a similar story
> with prallup being a -X of downprall.  At least the code could be
> changed to be pralldown = rotate(downprall, 180deg) and prallup =
> rotate(upprall, 180deg).  That would keep the thick/thin lines
> pointing in the correct direction for each.  What say ye?

The same as with the double-flat: we need evidence from real-world
scores to decide this.

Do you have time to check this?


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