On 2015/08/15 09:04:20, J_lowe wrote:
File configure.ac (right):

configure.ac:98: STEPMAKE_ADD_ENTRY(REQUIRED,'(make sure the fc-list
utility can
see them, e.g. \`sudo apt-get install fonts-texgyre\', or use
Sorry to go back on what I said earlier but it seems that the package
is called
just 'tex-gyre'. See https://www.ctan.org/pkg/tex-gyr. It seems on my
flavoured distribution there are two package names in Synaptic, I
don't know
what other Linux distributions call it but if we call it the 'real'
name at
least that is less confusing; what I would do is 'copy' what we say
for the
'texlive-lang-cyrillic' font (see lines 251 - 258 in this file) and
say it in
the same way, so it is consistent.

Do we need to talk about the fc-utility at all? Only because we don't
mention it
during ./configure usually unless it isn't installed (I think). If you
think we
do, then can we say "..then run the fc-list command and make sure that
fonts are listed." but say this after we ask them to install tex-gyre
in the

Finally, when you say 'or use --with-texgyre-dir' do you mean the
command (again it might be obvious to some but not others). Maybe
others think

CTAN's `tex-gyre' package does not contains fontconfig conf file for TeX
Gyre files.
Ubuntu's `fonts-texgyre' package contains it.
(Both packages also contain TeX Gyre OTF files.)

Only the installation of CTAN package `tex-gyre' is not enough.
configure script searches TeX Gyre OTF files (texgyreschola-regular.otf
etc.) by fontconfig fc-list utility.
If the fontconfig conf file does not exist, fc-list can not find them,
even if they exist.

If configure option `--with-texgyre-dir' is used, configure script does
not use fc-list.
In that case, configure script uses the option specified directory to
find TeX Gyre OTF files.

In other words, either of the following is required:

 - TeX Gyre OTF files and fontconfig conf file for them (same as
Ubuntu's `fonts-texgyre')
 - TeX Gyre OTF files and configure option `--with-texgyre-dir' to
specify them


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