Federico Bruni wrote Wednesday, September 02, 2015 6:30 AM

> What if we take some time to evaluate other alternatives and in the 

We don't really have time, unless you don't mind having an
hiatus in the historical record of the LilyPond Tracker. I
do, which is why I've invested the time and energy into
getting an alternative off the ground.  Since Allura at SF
was released to the Bug Squad last Saturday 14 new issues
have been added, and countless updates made to the status
of other issues.  These changes are not available at GC,
nor anywhere else. 

> meanwhile
> we use Bitbucket or Github? Not Free services, I know, but at least 
> their
> business model seems honest.

This is on the GC FAQ covering migration to GitHub:

> Error "Project cannot be migrated because it has too many issues."
> There is a hard limit on the number of issues that can be exported 
> by the tool, per repo. 
> If your project has more than 1,000 issues the export will fail.

We have over 4,000.  With image attachments.


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