> It seems that LuaTeX can not build LilyPond documents due to LuaTeX's bug.
> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-texinfo/2016-01/msg00055.html
> Moreover, recent LuaTeX seems to have made significant changes
> to the PDF-related function.
> Perhaps, latest LuaTeX can not use current texinfo.tex.
> On the other hand, XeTeX seems better than LuaTeX.
> I've tried texinfo.tex ver. 2016-01-04.21 and following patches with XeTeX.
> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-texinfo/2016-01/msg00064.html
> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-texinfo/2016-01/msg00060.html
> Command:
> $ PDFTEX=xetex make -j 16 CPU_COUNT=16 doc
> As a result, there are still errors, but some of the PDFs is able to generate.
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/0ByGBX3PDrqjsT3ZmV3pEV19lZk0/view?usp=sharing
> In the case of XeTeX:
> Snippet `Generating custom flags' works fine.
> But, essay can not generate due to error.
> And, I've noticed that all PDF bookmarks are not generated.
> There may be many other problems.

I've made some patches.

Perhaps errors no longer occur by XeTeX,
but there might be something wrong.

I've created Issue 4737 etc.

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